The call for abstracts is now closed. Requests for late abstract submissions should be directed to the PC chairs at The email should include the proposed title, abstract text, and track.
Abstract acceptance notifications should occur between 10-20 June, 2019.
Selection of talks and posters will be made on the basis of submitted abstracts. Parallel talks and posters will be organised in nine tracks, as indicated in the table below. The Programme Committee will decide which contributions will become oral presentations, and which ones posters. Exceptional contributions may be proposed for promotion to a plenary talk by the Programme Committee.
Submitters are also asked to make sure that their email addresses and those of the proposed presenters are their primary mail addresses in the CERN phonebook or, in the absence of such, their professional e-mail address.
Track | Keywords |
Track 1 : Online and Real-time Computing | Data acquisition; high-level triggers; trigger-less acquisition; online data calibration; online reconstruction; machine learning for online; real-time analysis; event building; configuration and access controls; detector control systems; real-time analytics and monitoring; heterogeneous resources online; trigger techniques and algorithms; hardware trigger algorithms; online databases. |
Track 2 : Offline Computing | Detector simulation; MC event generation; offline reconstruction; detector geometries; non-event data; data classification; fast simulation; machine learning for offline; offline databases. |
Track 3 : Middleware and Distributed Computing | Grid middleware; monitoring and accounting frameworks; security models and tools; distributed workload management; heterogeneous resource brokering (such as GPUs); federated authentication and authorisation infrastructures; middleware databases. |
Track 4 : Data Organisation, Management and Access | Storage management frameworks; data access protocols; object, metadata and event store systems; content delivery and caching; data analytics; machine learning for DOMA; FAIR data principles. |
Track 5 : Software Development | Software frameworks; software management, continuous integration; software building; testing and quality assurance; software distribution; programming techniques and tools; coding for heterogeneous architectures; integration of ML and other toolkits. |
Track 6 : Physics Analysis | Analysis algorithms; object identification; object calibration; machine learning for analysis; analysis preservation; analysis workflows; lattice QCD; theory calculations. |
Track 7 : Facilities, Clouds and Containers | Cloud resources; virtual machines and container technologies; anything-as-a-service; private and commercial clouds; dynamic provisioning; networking; computing centre infrastructure; management and monitoring; facility integration of heterogeneous resources. |
Track 8 : Collaboration, Education, Training and Outreach | Collaborative tools; outreach activities; training initiatives; open data for outreach; data preservation for collaboration; event displays; open science cloud initiatives. |
Track 9 : Exascale Science | HPC and supercomputers; algorithm scaling; computing models; exabyte; exaflop; compute accelerators; generic algorithms; weak scaling; quantum computing; massive scale machine learning. |
Group Photo
The Group Photo is now available.
Third bulletin
The third bulletin is now available.
Registrations are now CLOSED.
The call for abstracts is closed. Refer to the submissions page for information regarding notifications and late submissions.